Last updated: 2022-05-23

No Refunds

Since Lead Sangrah is offering non-tangible irrevocable goods, we do not offer refunds. As a customer, you are responsible for understanding this when purchasing any item on our website. Lead Sangrah incurs significant upfront and ongoing costs in servicing our users - including, but not limited to, those related to user acquisition (such as affiliate payouts), hosting, on-boarding support, and interfacing with third-party APIs. We are unable to recoup many of these costs, and accordingly, cannot issue any refunds.

We also do not offer refunds based on users' expectations of the results they should have received. Users must review and agree to our Terms & Conditions, found at, prior to registering. Our platform is provided on an "as is" basis with no implied guarantees therein.

Please send your feedback, comments, requests for technical support by email: